The open nature of blockchain networks will significantly upgrade current digitization efforts.
Beyond operating as a layer of trust, blockchains will spur an unprecedented wave of innovation with each new product built being a composable element.
Further enhancements to the guarded transaction feature: a multi-factor authentication service is now integrated which allows users to enable 2FA for their addresses, using any authentication application (i.e Google Authenticator, LastPass, Microsoft Authenticator, etc).
Implementation of a solution for verifying smart contracts is underway. Allowing users to verify the source code of the applications they are interacting with will provide enhanced transparency and incentivize innovation.
Working on a Farm Contracts refactor to bring significant performance and efficiency improvements, more reusable code and easier extension with further features.
Other notable achievements:
- Worked on a tool that generates delete extra ESDT metadata transactions
- Community Farm SC testing
- Tests & fixes on the Rust Liquid Staking SC
- Staking V4 system test scenarios
- Heartbeat V2 subsystem bughunt/bugfix and audit
- Enhancements on the internal DEX testing framework
- Implemented generic complexity for API endpoints and deployed for /notifcations, /notifications/{ID} and /accounts.
- Internal DEX farm economics tracker
- Bugfix: when node is restarting, open as many trie dbs as needed
- Fixed an edgecase in which a state sync was triggered even if the dbs were closing
- Performance improvements on Elrond API
- erdnest validation improvements
- Run a testnet from a predefined state
- Implemented and released /mex/pairs endpoint mapping in erdjs network providers
- Finished Lending redesign + unit testing
- Added nodejs CPU usage per endpoint metric
- Continued the implementation on the outport driver in order to be able to make the elastic indexer a separated binary
- Bug-hunting & bug-fixing for feat/refactor-peers-miniblocks
- System test
- Continued unit tests for feat/refactor-peers-miniblocks
- Separate Ledger Live transaction types (delegate, unDelegate)
- Further work on meta config for multi contract
- Finished implementation of rarity-calculation go service
- Devnet external observers outside k8s
- Alerting and monitoring improvements
- Continued working on create-erd-app interactive installer for a dapp template
- Move batch transaction endpoints in public API
- POC for k8s cluster in aws
- Bughunt & bugfix on the accountsesdt index from Elasticsearch
- Implemented option to have fallback observers on proxy, which will be used only when regular ones are offline
- Bughunt/bugfixes on Heartbeat V2
- Retry mechanism for mMetabonding checkpoints
- Bughunt for contract inserted twice panic triggered in some chases when external view contract is specified
- Added support for guarded transactions in elrond proxy
- NFT rarity testing
- Fixed the guardian signature verification in elrond-go
- Tested the freeze account flows adding several small fixes
- Migrate public API elastic cluster to self managed DO cluster
- Worked on auto router algorithm review and refactor
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