The shift from subjective trust foundations towards distributed ledgers will considerably elevate productive interactions and minimize friction.
Systemic, business and human interactions, fundamentally reorganized and interconnected via transparency.
Delegation-API is now available for anyone to use and build on top of it:
It is the component used within our applications to display the list of staking pools, their identities and compute the APR, as well as the users’ staking related information.
Further enhancements on the /partial-mb-execution & transaction scheduled execution feats: fixed set of range indexes for processed transactions in pending mini blocks, refactored a misleading approach used for mini block header’s “Reserved” field in elrond-go-core.
The new Maiar DEX multi-swap implementation has significant performance enhancements and an improved algorithm for computing token routes more efficiently. Added more logging messages for all possible token routes.
Other notable achievements:
- In-depth review for the liquid staking SC
- Farm and account economics tracker for internal DEX testing framework
- Brought the freeze account feature up to date with latest release candidate
- Heartbeat v2 subsystem review and audit
- Refactoring & dev for the internal DEX automatic deploy & fuzzing framework
- Improvements on NFT attributes mapping
- Added multiple allowed crawler addresses
- API testing & integration tests
- GraphQL query endpoints implementation
- elrond-sdk-erdjs: guardian support for SC interactions, Transaction Proto adapt
- elrond-sdk-erdjs-walletcore: small fix for GuardianSigner
- Testing of the new farm contracts features
- Freeze account: system tests
- Added the possibility to recreate a trie in any epoch (for full history nodes)
- Successfully tested first version tool to cleanup trie from multiple shards
- Update assets and auctions nodes
- Finished farm refactor
- NFT marketplace testing
- Finished unit tests for feat/refactor-peers-miniblocks
- Community farm SC tests
- Fixed a situation when some node DBs could have been removed in case the opening failed
- System testing & documentation for the Rust Liquid Staking SC
- Lending performance improvements & unit tests
- Refactored crawler to export data for multiple shards
- Released Erdjs walletcore new version containing the new encryption components
- Scripts for generating, minting, transferring and burning meta ESDTs
- API & GraphQL complexity improvements.
- Continued development on the DEX admin-only endpoints
- Further fixes on node-promises after testing & refactor
- Bugfixes & testing on crawler & automatic tokens cleanup
- API performance optimizations
- Unit tests for GraphQL
- New k8s setup in aws
- Integrated and tested latest bls-go-binary version, now containing an arm build that works on M1s
- Worked on SC execution service and C API built around Wasmer 2.2 in Rust
- Bughunt and bugfixes on elastic indexer
- Alerting & monitoring improvements
- Integrated profiling support in erdnest
- Added support for historical balances & state lookup in Rosetta.
- Further fixes & improvements on our Rosetta implementation, accompanied by re-tests, refactoring and cleanup
- Data API improvements
- Created rest API for account guardian data
- Progress on DEX - Data API analytics integration
- Ongoing work on create-erd-app module
- Improved DEX service errors handling
- Fixes on NFT Service
- Worked on refactors and code cleanup for DEX service
- Complete re-sizing of internal ES clusters
- Started testing new infrastructure providers
- Update contracts & tests in wasm-vm
- Feature requests in elrond-wasm-rs
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