xBuilders - Elrond Tech 31/07/2022
  Elrond Tech 31/07/2022
Published by Olag | the 07/31/2022  |  Category: Elrond Tech

2 years of mainnet 🌎
Ticking for 730 epochs without skipping a beat, the Elrond protocol has morphed from a bold idea, into a global internet-scale network and community, ready to take the digital financial system to the next level.🛠️
It's time to build!

The latest Elrond protocol version has been released and the mainnet upgrade is in progress. Elrond-go v. brings trie snapshot DB fixes.
Youtube (Video)

Heavy internal testing is underway for the Ad-Astra Portal, in preparation for the next integrations with EVM compatible chains. Began setting up the environment and performed final checks for public testing.
The Jungle DEX SCs & interface have been upgraded to allow projects to create a market for their token in a fully automated and permissionless manner. The liquidity requirement has been lowered to $1,000 as well, in order to further catalyse Web3 development and innovation.

Other notable achievements:
- Important progress on lending: redesign to allow flexible lending/borrowing
- Auto-Router improvements
- Tested relayer setup for Wallet Connect 2.0
- Continued integration of Wasmer 2.2 into the VM
- Improvements on erdnest validation
- GraphQL API logs investigations & development
- Stateless multisigner integration with signature holder component for consensus
notifier-go update: check and create rabbitMQ exchanges if not existing
- System test
- elrond-go node promises integration
- Refactored the node creator for integration tests in order to simplify its creation
- Started DEX analytics migration in Data API
- Development on the module for managing the permissions for the DEX V2 pair smart contract
- Improvements on the NFT rarities algorithm
- Started working on more mappings for API endpoints in the network status provider
- End to end testing of the Jungle DEX permissionless listing process
- Elrond API bughunt
- NFT marketplace testing
- Worked on Postgres indexer integration
- Bugfixes for enable epochs handler integration
- Finished importing claim developer rewards in rust framework + mock tests and implementation
- TradingView microservice testing
- Bughunt/bugfix correct snapshot marking in import-db
- Implemented public key encryption algorithm for erdjs and started writing specs for wallet integrations
- Launchpad integration tests
- DEX internal testing framework refactoring
- Fixes for Rosetta implementation: on node's side, on Rosetta's side.
- Research, technical analysis document and detailed specifications on Liquid Staking. 2 types of token type & module, fungible positions vs metaESDT positions
- erdjava Maven release
- Implemented a tool to export all ESDT balances for all accounts in every shard
- Documentation improvements
- Bugunt and testing for the tool that exports all tokens held by all the addresses on mainnet
- Data API improvements
- Revalidating our Rosetta implementation, debugging and analysis
- Continued working on removing elrond-go dependency from elastic-indexer-go
- Block proposer identity information on Elrond Explorer
- Account labels in transaction API endpoints
- Automatic account labeling for Maiar DEX contracts & staking providers
- Continued development on the Community Farm SC
- Started working on a tool to check for zero sft/metaesdts/nfts balances in system account

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